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Privacy Protection Officer

Foray Design’s privacy protection officer is Frank Atkins. He may be contacted at

Changes to Privacy Policy

Foray Design may change in its sole discretion this Privacy Policy from time to time by updating it. It is Your responsibility to check this Privacy Policy from time to time to ensure that any changes to this Privacy Policy are acceptable to You. If these changes are not acceptable to You, You should not use our Site or purchase any of our Products on it.


Links to Other Websites

Our Site may contain links to enable You to visit other websites of interest easily. However, once You have used these links to leave our Site, You should note that Foray Design does not have any control over that other website. Therefore, Foray Design cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which You provide while visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this Privacy Policy. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

Privacy Rights

This section of Foray Design’s Privacy Policy summarizes the rights that You may have under various privacy rights laws. Some of these laws can be complicated and, therefore, Foray Design has only summarized them here. Accordingly, You should read the relevant laws and regulations from the jurisdiction and regulatory authority to fully understand these laws and regulations and the privacy rights they may provide to You, including, without limitation, whether the law applies to You and/or consult an attorney or privacy law or rights advisor. The privacy rights set forth herein may or may not apply to You.

You can exercise your privacy rights by contacting Us at Foray Design will handle your request pursuant to its Privacy Policy and applicable law. Please note that if You exercise these rights, Foray Design will need to verify Your identity to protect Your privacy and security and may need additional information from You to respond to Your request.

Right to Restrict Foray Design’s Processing of Your Personal Information. You can request that Foray Design restrict the processing of Your Personal Information under certain circumstances, including: (a) You dispute the accuracy of Personal Information processed by Foray Design (for the time period necessary to verify its accuracy); (b) the processing of Your Personal Information is unlawful and You object to its erasure of the Personal Information: (c) Foray Design no longer needs the Personal Information for the purposes of its processing, but it is required by You for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims; and (d) You have objected to certain processing based upon some legitimate interest, pending Foray Design’s verification of such legitimate interest. Restricted Personal Information will only be processed by Foray Design with Your consent or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims or for the protection of the rights of another person or entity or for reasons of important public interest. Foray Design will notify You if the restriction is removed.

Right to Object to Processing of Your Personal Information. Where Foray Design’s processing of Your Personal Information is based upon consent, contract or some other legitimate interest, You may restrict or object to such processing of Your Personal Information as permitted by applicable law; provided, however, that Foray Design may continue to process Your Personal Information if it is necessary for any of the purposes involving the retention and deletion of Personal Information policy terms or under applicable law.

Right to Access to Your Personal Information. You can request that Foray Design confirm whether it processes Your Personal Information and provide You with access to Your Personal Information and related information, including what business purposes are served by such processing and what third-parties may receive such Personal Information. To make this request, please contact Foray Design at Foray Design will provide You with a copy of Your Personal Information free of charge for Your first request for it and provide additional copies of it to You at a reasonable charge.

Right to Rectification of Your Personal Information.  You can request that Foray Design correct any inaccurate Personal Information. To make this request, please contact Foray Design at

Withdrawal of Consent to Processing Your Personal Information. To the extent Foray Design has requested and You provide your consent to the processing of Your Personal Information, You can withdraw Your consent at any time. Your withdrawal of consent is prospective and does not affect the legality of processing based upon consent before Your withdrawal. To withdraw Your consent, please contact Foray Design at

Right to Erasure of Your Personal Information You may request erasure of Personal Information under certain circumstances, including: (a) the Personal Information is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected and processed, such as the purchase of a Product from Foray Design, the shipping of the Product to You and any warranty that may be provided in relation to the purchased Product; (b) You withdraw consent to Foray Design’s processing of Your Personal Information if such processing was based upon Your consent; (c) You object to the processing under an applicable data protection law or regulation; (d)  Foray Design’s processing of Your Personal Information is for marketing purposes; there is no other legitimate purpose served by the retention of such Personal Information.  To make this request, please contact Foray Design at

Right to Data Portability. You may request from Foray Design Your Personal Information in a commonly used and machine readable format to be provided to You or to a another third-party, where technically feasible unless this provision or transfer affects the rights of others. To make this request, please contact Foray Design at

Protections Against Automated Decision-Making. You may request that You not be made subject to any decision based solely upon automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal or similarly significant effects on You, except as permitted under data protection laws. To make this request, please contact Foray Design at

Notification of Erasure, Rectification and Restriction. Foray Design will provide notice to the recipient that it disclosed Your Personal Information to regarding any rectification or erasure of Personal Information, or restriction of processing, unless You initiated the disclosure or providing such notice proves impossible or involves a disproportionate effect. You may request that Foray Design will provide You a list of the recipients of Your Personal Information. To make this request, please contact Foray Design at

Anti-Discrimination for Exercise of Rights. Foray Design will not discriminate against a You for exercising Your rights under an applicable data protection and privacy law.

The rights described above may be limited by applicable laws and regulations, including, without limitation, whether You have these rights under applicable data protection and privacy laws. In addition, these rights are not absolute and may be overridden where the law requires or Foray Design has a legitimate business interest or the fulfillment of such right would, among other things: (a) cause interference with execution and enforcement of the law and private legal rights, (b) breach or prejudice the rights of confidentiality and security of others; (c) prejudice security or grievance investigations, corporate re-organizations, future and ongoing negotiations with third-parties, the compliance with regulatory requirements relating to economic and financial management, or otherwise violate the interests of others or where the burden or cost of providing access would be disproportionate.

Cookies Used By Google Analytics

Foray Design has an arrangement with Google Analytics that helps it analyze the use of the Site.

Google Analytics uses a set of cookies to collect information and report Site usage to Foray Design without personally identifying individual users. 

Information about Google Analytics and its privacy policies are available on the internet.

What Information is Collected and How It is Used

Foray Design is the owner of the Site.  When You visit the Site, Foray Design itself may collect certain information and may also may receive information from Google Analytics, who also collect certain information when You visit the Site through the use of cookies.


Foray Design uses the information it collects when You use the Site and the Aggregate Information it receives from Google Analytics for a number of important business uses, including:

  • to provide an accessible and useful Site to You and to improve Your Site experience

  • to analyze usage of its Site and Products

  • to provide You with Products and to improve its Products

  • to provide for the accurate taking and fulfillment of orders

  • to provide customer service and to handle returns effectively

  • to provide security

When You open an account, Foray Design collects Registration Information necessary for your registration and to have an account with Foray Design.

When You purchase a Product on the Site, Foray Design collects information necessary to handle your purchase of products. Depending upon what You use to pay for Your purchase of Product, other vendors, such as a bank with a debit or credit card, or Your PayPal account, become involved in the transaction.

Foray Design may periodically send promotional email about new Products, special offers or other information which Foray Design think You may find interesting using the email address which You have provided.

Providing Your Information to Others

Foray Design does not sell or lease or otherwise receive any payment for the sharing of your information to any third-party. However, as noted above, Google Analytics uses cookies and receives certain information when You use the Site and reports Aggregate Information (not Personal Information) about use of the Site to Foray Design.

Foray Design may provide information to other entities or organizations under various circumstances, including the following:

  • It may provide such information to any company in the group of companies which own it or are owned by it, to the extent reasonably necessary for conduct business and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. At present, there are no companies that own Foray Design or are owned by Foray Design.

  • advisors

  • insurers

  • suppliers and contractors

  • financial transactions

  • shipping and delivery

  • compliance with legal obligations or to protect Your vital interests or the vital interests of another natural person and legal claims in court, arbitration, mediation, etc.

Retaining and Deleting Your Personal Information​

Foray Design will only retain any of Your Personal Information that it receives or uses for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which it was received or used. Foray Design retains Your Personal Information while You maintain an Account with it, to process and fulfill any orders for Products You may make through Your Account and to maintain that Personal Information for customer service and warranty claims or issues.


  • to maintain Your Account with Foray Design, to take and fulfill any order of Product You have made, provide customer service to You and/or handle returns  about any Product You purchased or to otherwise complete the transaction between Foray Design or You for which the Personal Information was collected or maintained, or to perform a contract between Foray Design and You, or to provide a Product or service to You that You requested or which is reasonably anticipated or appropriate within the context of Our ongoing business relationship

  • detect security incidents, protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity or prosecute those responsible for such activity

  • debug to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality

  • exercise free speech, ensure the right of another consumer to exercise his or her right of free speech or exercise another right provided for by law

  • to comply with an obligation required by law, regulation, court, governmental investigation or inquiry or other legal obligation

  • comply with data privacy law

  • to enforce Foray Design’s Terms of Use, Terms of Sale, this Privacy Policy or other rights it may have

  • to investigate or respond to claims that the rights of third-parties are being violated

  • to protect the rights, property or personal safety of Foray Design, its employees, its suppliers, its customers, users of the Site and the public

  • engage in public or peer-review scientific, historical, or statistical research in the public interest that adheres to all other applicable ethics and privacy laws, if the deletion of this information is likely to render impossible or seriously impair the achievement of the research, if You have provided informed consent

  • to enable solely internal uses that are reasonably aligned with Your expectations based upon Our relationship

  • comply with a legal obligation

  • use Your personal information, internally, in a lawful manner that is compatible with the context in which You provided Us this information

In addition, in the event that Foray Design engages in a substantial business transaction, including, but not limited to, a merger into or acquisition by another entity or organization, or a sale of all or a substantial portion of its assets to another entity or organization, or another entity or organization purchases all or a controlling portion of the stock of Foray Design, Your Personal Information will like be transferred to such other entity or organization.  

Opt-out of Sales

Foray Design does not sell Your Personal Information to any third-party. As referenced in Foray Design’s Privacy Policy, Google Analytics receive information about a user of the Site and reports Aggregate (not Personal) Information to Foray Design.

Nevertheless, You may notify Foray Design of Your request to opt out of having Your Personal Information sold by a business to a third-party. Should you decide to do so, please contact Foray Design at


Foray Design is committed to ensuring that Your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, Foray Design have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information it collects online.

Legal Information & Notices

Date: August 24, 2001

Foray Design, LLC (“We, “Us,” or “Foray Design”) owns and operates (the “Site”). Foray Design sells products (the “Products”) to individuals, entities and organizations (“You” or “User”), through this Site. “You” and “User” includes not only the individual visiting the Site, but, in cases where the individual is acting on behalf of some entity or organization, the entity and organization as well. 

The privacy of persons who visit Foray Design’s website or who purchase Foray Design’s Products on Foray Design’s Site is important to Foray Design. This Privacy Policy sets out how Foray Design collects, uses and protects information that is collected when You use Foray Design’s Site and information You may give to Foray Design. Should You provide certain information by which You can be identified when using this Site, Foray Design will only collect, store and use such information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and applicable law.  Foray Design is committed to ensuring that Your information is not misused and that Your privacy is protected.

The purposes of this Privacy Policy include helping You understand: (a) what personal information is collected about You, why such information is collected, how Foray Design uses such information and with whom such information is shared; (b) what rights and choices You have with respect to the personal information collected, stored and used; and (c) how Foray Design protects Your privacy. 


If You have any questions or concerns about Your privacy or this Privacy Policy, You can contact Foray Design by mail at Foray Design, 17116 Melgrave Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44135 or by e-mail.

In addition, You can elect not to use the Site if You do not agree with the content of this Privacy Policy. Should You wish to purchase a Foray Design Product but not use this Site, You may do so if You are an Eligible Buyer (which is defined in the Terms of Sale) by mail at Foray Design, 17116 Melgrave Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44135 or by e-mail.

Foray Design may change in its sole discretion this Privacy Policy from time to time by updating it. You should check this Privacy Policy from time to time to ensure that any changes to this Privacy Policy are acceptable to You. If these changes are not acceptable to You, You should not use our Site or purchase any of our Products on it.

Agreement to Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Foray Design’s Privacy Policy is part of Foray Design’s Terms of Use. Unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy, the terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meaning as the definitions contained in Foray Design’s Terms of Use.




Cookies and Personal Information

A cookie is a file containing information, which the website sends and downloads onto the visitor’s browser used on a computer, table, smartphone or other device used to connect to the website when the visitor visits a website or uses the services available on the website. The cookie is then stored on the server. The information is then transmitted back to the server whenever the browser requests a page from the website server.

A cookie can be recognized by the website that sent and downloaded it on the browser and by other websites that use the same cookie.  Among other things, this helps websites know if the browsing device has visited them before.

If it is a session cookie, the cookie only lasts while the browsing device is open and is automatically deleted when the visitor closes his or her browser. If it is a persistent cookie, the cookie lasts until the visitor deletes the cookie or the cookie expires.

Cookies may or may not contain the visitor’s Personal Information about You. However, Personal Information about You that the website stores can be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies.

“Personal Information” means information that can be used to identify the visitor on a website. “Personal Information” can include many types of information, including Web-Behavior Information, Registration Information and information that a user provides to the website. It does not include De-Identified and Aggregate Information.

“Web-Behavior Information” is information about how the user uses the internet or other electronic activity information, including, but not limited to, browsing history, search history, and information regarding a user’s activity with the website, application or advertisement.

Registration Information is information that is necessary for the user to open an account on a website or purchase a product or service on a website (which might include the user’s name, company affiliation, billing and shipping address and payment information, such as a credit or debit card and contact information, an address, an e-mail address and a phone number).

A user may also provide other information to a website that might be considered Personal Information, such as posting or uploading content to the website and participation in blogs and forums.

Cookies can collect and process Your Personal Information as well as information that is not considered to be Personal Information, because the information cannot reasonably be used to identify, describe, relate to, or which can otherwise be reasonably associated with or linked to You as an individual.

For example, information can be stripped of Registration Information so that the user cannot reasonably be identified as an individual. This is known as De-Identified Information.

Cookies can also collect information that has been combined with that of other users and analyzed or evaluated as a whole, and, therefore, no specific individual may be reasonably identified. This can be known as Aggregate Information.

Management of Cookies

You can choose to accept or decline cookies and to delete cookies already contained in Your browser. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but You can usually modify Your browser setting to decline cookies if You prefer.

However, if You do not accept cookies from a website or have deleted them, You may not be able to take full advantage of all of the features of the website.

Cookies That Foray Design Uses

Overall, cookies help Us provide You with a better Site, by enabling Us to monitor which pages You find useful and which You do not. A cookie in no way gives Us access to Your computer or any information about You, other than the data You choose to share with Us.

Cookies allow Foray Design applications to respond to You as an individual. The Foray Design application can tailor its operations to Your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about Your preferences.

Foray Design uses the following cookies for the following purposes:

The list of cookies we use on our sites and why we use them.
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